Sunday, December 19, 2010

An Excerpt From my fan fiction "My Heart Before the Pack"

... I opened my door and started walking along the beach. There was a nice breeze and the cold wind helped calm me down. All of a sudden I felt this sharp numbing pain in my stomach. I never felt anything more painful in my entire life. I thought maybe I can walk it off but every move I made, made the pain worse. I leaned against a few rocks to help keep my balance. I ended up in the woods a few feet from the beach. I couldn't’t take the pain anymore and finally collapsed on the forest floor. My body was shaking and the pain became too much to handle. I felt like I was going to die, I asked to die just to make the pain go away. But then I heard a deep voice telling me to hold on that I was going to be okay. I looked around but no one was there. That one voice turned too many. ...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Love Life Happiness

the feeling of happiness
a long life drug.

drunk with unconstant happiness
and full of rich love.

a life goal that can't be reached
but some how fills us with love.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


P panic

A angel

M misfit

E excited

L lost

A anxious

Thursday, October 28, 2010


From beginning to end
we fall to the earth
as it shakes and moans in agony.

Thursday October 28, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Romeo and Juliet ... Feb 28, 2010

"...The gun sound and the people cry, He's there on the ground, The gun by his side, There's

blood on his hand, a wound in his head, Tears I cried, For my life he died, I loved him so, But my

feelings I did not show, I gathered by his side, Point it to my head did I, Pulled that trigger and

then I died..." For truth's she could not see, Two lives took did she, For her love and her own,

Lay together till turned to bone.